Well being so close to home and being on the road
for almost a month, and with bad weather on the way, I decided to head home
a day early and skip Montreal. Bridgett even offered to put me up for an
extra day in New York, so I could get to the Fashion Institute, but I declined. This is the east end of Long Island heading towards the Throgs Neck Bridge. |
So this of course is the Throgs Neck Bridge. |
Once I got away from the city I was into the rural
mountains. |
The landscape doesn't really change moving into
Pennsylavnia. |
In upstate New York the weather started closing
in after I was north of Syracuse. |
Twenty-nine days later I arrive back home. I'm
told the snow was gone, but it was snowing when I arrived home so there
is still some haning around as I finnished the 31 province/state trip. I
have truly developed a much different view of North America and the variety
of lanscapes, both geographic and cultural, that exist here. Even with the snow, it is nice to be home. |
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